Timber Fencing Hobart
Why Timber Fencing?
We can build an assortment of timber fences, from Paling and Picket fences to Merbau or Slats. Timber has been a popular fencing style for over a hundred years, and gives a classic look and feel to your home. Wooden fences can give you the privacy you wantand we can help you design a fence with wow-factor, by using a wide variety of fence posts, slats, and timbers. Timber fences can be stained, oiled or painted to suit any colour scheme.
Stylish and long-lasting
Our timber fences are long-lasting and treated to discourage pests and damp conditions. Timber fencing is an excellent choice for a low, border fence like the classic white picket fence, or a high-security fence that maintains security and privacy. Timber is a versatile material that can be shaped to suit any style you can dream up.
Quality construction
Timber is the original fencing material, and we have years of experience building stunning wooden fences. At Hobart Fencing we pride ourselves on building a fence that pleases the eye, whilst withstanding the years and the elements. Get in touch today to discuss the fence of your dreams.